Selecting The Right Requirements Management Tool — Or Maybe None Whatsoever.
Un report di Forrester Research (Carey Schwaber e Peter Sterpe), del settembre 2007.
Riporto l'executive summary:
"Many of today’s requirements management tool purchases are misguided: Application development and program management professionals often buy requirements management tools for the wrong reasons and select tools that are out of line with their needs. To avoid purchasing tools that are more complex and more expensive than necessary, app dev organizations need to be realistic about the problems that a requirements management tool can address, the level of tooling that they require, and their ability to build and maintain tool integrations."
Nelle indicazioni finali, viene suggerito di prendere in considerazione strumenti integrati in una soluzione complessiva di ALM (Application Lifecycle Management), piuttosto che strumenti stand-alone, isolati.
Il report è scaricabile, previa registrazione, dal sito di Computerworld.
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